Viewing 17 - 32 out of 44 posts


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Effects of Chiropractic Care Following An Auto Accident

“What NOW?”   Car Accident Injury Specialists   Auto accidents are inconvenient, ruin your day, extremely stressful, and can change your life! The sound of a car crash is something I, personally, will never Read More

Cluster Headaches

Cluster Headaches are a series of short but VERY painful headaches every day for weeks to months at a time.   Cluster Headache You tend to get them at the same time each Read More


3 COMMON POOR POSTURE SIGNS This list identifies three common poor posture signs linked to sedentary occupations and lifestyles. It explores the outward signs of poor posture, the associated imbalances and Read More

Suffering from scoliosis?

Scoliosis and how Green Chiropractic can help you. Did you know that three out of every one hundred people have and suffer from scoliosis? Not everyone is diagnosed with scoliosis early in life. Many Read More

Back Injuries and Chiropractic Care: What Are the Benefits?

Chiropractic for Low Back Pain: Omaha Chiropractor Low back Pain and Chiropractic     Have you been in a car accident or had back pain in the past few weeks or months? Do you Read More

How Can Chiropractic Help Relieve Lower Back Pain

LOW BACK PAIN AND CHIROPRACTIC Low Back Pain Chiropractor     Imbalanced or Misaligned PostureImbalanced or misaligned posture is another source of nerve discomfort and damage in the body. When the bones and joints Read More

Retained Neonatal Reflexes

What are Retained Neonatal Reflexes? Retained Reflexes   Primitive reflexes remain hard wired into our nervous system and function neurologically all our life. At various stages of development, particular reflexes are tested as Read More

5 Incredible Benefits of Pediatric Chiropractic Care

Omaha Pediatric Chiropractic Care at Green Chiropractic Parents concerned with their child’s symptoms or conditions may want to apply new options especially after traditional methods are unsuccessful. The choice to use Read More

Correcting Poor Posture

What to do about poor posture. Good posture refers to having a neutral spine, where your muscle groups, joints, and ligaments are aligned in a way that reduces stress on them, Read More

Suffering with Migraines? Here's How Green Chiropractic Can Help

It’s estimated that over 36 million Americans suffer with chronic migraines each year, a condition that can be completely debilitating and destructive to quality of life.   A migraine can take many Read More


Hunch Back (a.k.a. Kyphosis) Our spines have a natural curvature. These curves help us to stand upright and stay balanced while doing so. If any one of the curves becomes too Read More

When to See a Chiropractor for Neck Pain

A stiff neck is always cause for concern, though often, pain and discomfort subsides in a few days depending on the root cause of the issue. If regular neck pain is Read More

An Overwhelmed and Over Stimulated Brain

 Overstimulated Children   “Their tantrums are out of control.” “They can’t handle the loud sounds or the constant chatter of their siblings.” “The seams on their socks bother them. Their sleeves have to go Read More

How Chiropractic can help YOUR pregnancy

A large percentage of pregnant women experience back pain/discomfort during their pregnancy. This is due to the rapid growth of the baby and interference your body’s normal structural accommodation to that Read More

Chiropractor's Role in Concussion Management

Benefits of chiropractors in Concussion Care 1. Immediate care – chiropractors can be on the sidelines to make removal from activity decisions and refer for further evaluation2. Differential diagnosis – chiropractors Read More

Boo's Bucket Winner!

WINNER!   Boo’s Bucket   Congratulations MIMI H!Come in any time to pick up your prize. Read More

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