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Scoliosis Remodeling with Corrective Chiropractic Care

Scoliosis Remodeling

Safe for Children: Chiropractic Corrections for Scoliosis

Scoliosis predominantly affects pre-pubescent children during adolescent development of the spine and its proper curvature. As children begin to experience growth spurts, the spine is driven out of alignment via translation of discs. Because the body is growing at such a rapid pace, these translations become cemented, setting the tone for long-term spinal dysfunction.

The good news is that scoliosis is common and well understood. There are numerous treatment options available, including bracing, which serve to correct scoliosis before it can fully set in a developing child. Today, chiropractic is also highly recognized as a non-invasive, corrective approach to scoliosis, thanks to the inroads made by modalities like Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) and the Ideal Spine corrective model.

Is chiropractic safe for children?

Many concerned parents question the efficacy and safety of chiropractic for children. This is a valid concern. The spine is at a developmental stage and chiropractic involves things such as via low-velocity adjustments, traction, and mirror-image adjusting.

The good news for parents is that chiropractic is absolutely safe when performed by a qualified professional. More than a few peer-reviewed studies have been published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, confirming the relative safety and outlining potential benefits of pediatric chiropractic adjustments.

Why chiropractic?

If left unresolved, scoliosis can cause lifelong issues for a person. To compound issues, correcting scoliosis in adults is infinitely harder than in children, simply because the spine has gone beyond its developmental stages and become cemented in its dysfunction.

Options available to developing children with identified scoliosis are varied, but most often involve bracing. In severe cases, corrective surgery may be required. However, chiropractic offers a non-invasive, low-cost, relatively side-effect-free option at the early outset of treatment. It enables parents to explore corrective options for their children without drastic impositions. At an age where more than just the spine is developing, chiropractic is a simple, effective option for treating both congenital and secondary scoliosis.

Chiropractic adjustments for scoliosis

For scoliosis occurring beyond the average (10-15 degree so deviation), bracing is likely going to be a component of chiropractic adjustment. Beyond this, mirror-image adjustments, low-velocity adjustments, traction, and more may all be employed to pull the spine back into alignment, below an acceptable degree of deviation.

Chiropractic – specifically Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) – offers the benefit of tailored care, thanks in part to radiological imaging of each patient’s spine and the mapping of a unique corrective plan. Using imaging, geometric modeling, adjustment techniques, and revaluation throughout the adjustment schedule, a CBP-trained chiropractor, such as Green Chiropractic,  is able to ensure the spine is responding appropriately to treatment throughout the course of adolescent development.

Preventing a Lifetime of Trouble

To avoid chronic ailments caused by nerve compression, disc herniation, general spinal dysfunction, and more, it’s imperative to identify and correct scoliosis at a young age. Chiropractic offers the recourse parents need for the wellness of their children, without the stigmas and invasiveness of other corrective methods.

Ideal Spine understands the questions parents have when it comes to pediatric chiropractic adjustments. We’re here to answer those questions and quell fears, and strive to affect positive change in your child’s spinal condition. Though impossible to cure, it may be possible to correct scoliosis using a tailored CBP adjustment schedule, to help your child live a relatively normal life.

Caring for Your Spine: Contrasting Chiropractors vs. Osteopaths and Physiotherapists

For patients suffering from spinal-induced ailments, a choice in care is something that must be considered. Getting tailored, insightful care is paramount to achieving relief. This means working with a qualified care professional. Unfortunately, choosing the right type of care often leads to some confusion for patients. Should they choose a chiropractor, a physiotherapist, an osteopath, or a different type of professional?

It’s important to understand that all of these medical care professionals differ from each other, even if they seem similar on the surface. For example, chiropractors distinguish themselves from physiotherapists thanks largely in part to their key focus on the spine and central nervous system, instead of muscles and ligaments. Osteopaths further differ in their diagnosis and treatment – for example, no using radiological imaging where chiropractic might.

At Ideal Spine, we know that when it comes to matters of the spine, chiropractors are unparalleled. Our Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) modality is more than just a comprehensive way to tailor treatment to patients, it’s also a proof of process that helps patients understand what sets chiropractic apart from other treatment modalities.

Defining relief through approach

The first step in understanding why chiropractors are the ideal choice for identifying and correcting spinal-induced conditions is understanding how they distinguish themselves from osteopaths and physiotherapists:

  • Chiropractors focus explicitly on the spine and its peripheral reaches, such as the central nervous system. They use radiological imaging to understand the curvature of the spine and employ a wide range of minimally-invasive adjustment and correction techniques to restore it to an ideal curvature.
  • Osteopaths do not have a specific focus, instead imparting total body wellness. They rely on palpitation diagnoses and visual inspection. Though they also employ non-invasive corrective techniques for the spine, osteopaths generally work on mobilization of muscles, tendons and ligaments.
  • Physiotherapists also rely more on mobilization techniques to treat musculoskeletal pain, rather than specific adjustment. They’re also more equipped to treat sport injuries or dynamic movement injuries, as opposed to chronic ailments.

There’s certainly a large range of overlap between all three professionals, however chiropractic is the only treatment modality with a specific focus on the spinal and central nervous system. Moreover, Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) is the only treatment approach that also blends clinical assets (like radiology) to impart a focused diagnosis.

Chiropractic for more focused relief

Choosing chiropractic for relief from spinal-induced chronic ailments isn’t nullifying the capabilities of osteopathy or physiotherapy. In fact, these modalities may have tremendous benefit for people.

Chiropractic’s value is in its ability to focus treatment specifically on the spine to reduce or even eliminate spinal-specific problems. For patients suffering from the effects of stenosis, degenerative disc disease, disc herniation, and a slew of other proliferating spinal conditions, this value is unparalleled.

Ideal Spine has proven the power of Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) time and again when it comes to focused, targeted treatment options and the potential relief that comes with them. And while a person may benefit from osteopathy or physiotherapy, the documented capabilities of chiropractic place it on its own echelon.

Chiropractic BioPhysics® corrective care trained Chiropractors are located throughout the United States and in several international locations. CBP providers have helped thousands of people throughout the world realign their spine back to health, and eliminate a source of chronic back pain, chronic neck pain, chronic headaches and migraines, fibromyalgia, and a wide range of other health conditions. If you are serious about your health and the health of your loved ones, contact a CBP trained provider today to see if you qualify for care. The exam and consultation are often FREE. See www.CBPpatient.com for providers in your area.

Compare and Contrast: Mechanical vs. Manual Cervical Traction

September 7, 2017/in Articles /by MyChiroPractice

Traction is a crucial approach to spinal adjustment, especially in cases of disc or nerve compression. It enables a chiropractor to alleviate the stress that may otherwise lead to myriad disc problems, such as herniation, rupture, or displacement. And, for chiropractors specializing in Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP), traction is also a key element in mirror image adjustment.

Traction is an umbrella term. The concepts of static positioning and inverse force may apply to all forms of traction, but the application itself can vary drastically. Case in point: mechanical vs. manual cervical traction. The methodologies are different, but the results are invariably the same. Their use is dependent on a case-by-case basis and the oversight of the chiropractor making adjustments.

Ideal Spine utilizes both mechanical and manual traction across varied approaches. The key to choosing the right traction application is derived from a keen understanding of each methods strengths, dependent on the patient.

Characterizing traction approach

The characterizing difference between mechanical and manual traction is a simple one. Mechanical traction is aided and directed by the use of simple machines (weights, pulleys), while manual traction is chiropractor-assisted.

During mechanical traction, a patient’s head is cradled into a sling, which is then positioned at the optimal position to affect adjustment. Then, the sling is counterweighted to hold the head and neck in that specific position, leveraging mechanical pressure to affect change.

Manual traction involves the patient lying down in a table, with the chiropractor actively pulling the head away from the neck to decompress the cervical spine. The adjustment may be a continuous pull, or a series of low-velocity pulls in different directions, depending on the nature of the adjustment.

Contrasting methodologies

The end results of mechanical and manual traction may be similar, but both applications afford chiropractors different benefits based on the individual patient they’re working on.

Mechanical traction is a hands-free approach to decompression that affords chiropractors the time and focus they need when working with complex cases. This method of traction is also more applicable for severe cases, where traction may last for 20-30 minutes. Finally, mechanical traction is also helpful when teaching patients posturing.

Manual traction’s benefits are derived from the control a chiropractor has over the application at all times. Because they’re manually pulling, the chiropractor can increase or decrease the countering force, as well as position themselves at will. The hands-on approach also enables chiropractors to feel the status of the cervical spine in real time, to understand the effects of their traction on the patient.

Leveraging the proper form of traction

Traction’s overall ability to decompress the cervical spine makes it a valuable approach to treating a number of cervical conditions. The exact nature of the condition and patient may dictate mechanical vs. manual traction, along with the preference of the chiropractor. It’s also worth noting that these two forms of traction are not merely binary options – they may both be leveraged to affect change during a CBP adjustment schedule.

Ideal Spine is committed to leveraging the best possible approach for spinal correction across every patient. Mechanical and manual traction are just two adjustment modalities. Understanding what makes them different and where they’re best utilized is what gives CBP-trained chiropractors the edge when affecting real, positive change in patients.

Chiropractic BioPhysics® corrective care trained Chiropractors are located throughout the United States and in several international locations. CBP providers have helped thousands of people throughout the world realign their spine back to health, and eliminate a source of chronic back pain, chronic neck pain, chronic headaches and migraines, fibromyalgia, and a wide range of other health conditions. If you are serious about your health and the health of your loved ones, contact a CBP trained provider today to see if you qualify for care. The exam and consultation are often FREE. See www.CBPpatient.com for providers in your area.

Improving Neuroplasticity Through Chiropractic Adjustments

September 1, 2017/in Articles /by MyChiroPractice

Improving Neuroplasticity Through Chiropractic Adjustments

Neuroplasticity is a common talking point when discussing degenerative brain conditions, such as Alzheimer’s or dementia. But this topic is a two-sided coin. While progressive degeneration of neuroplasticity has been linked to dire illnesses, expansion of neuroplasticity is also possible. The concepts here include continuing to mentally challenge yourself with puzzles, complex thought, and memory recall exercises.

Recently, chiropractic has also become a subject of discussion among researchers studying neuroplasticity. Juxtaposition of spine health and mental fortitude have opened the door for investigation into just how important spinal alignment is in maintaining mental faculties.

While there is yet to be concrete evidence in the role spinal alignment plays in increased neuroplasticity, it can be correctly assumed that maintaining ideal spine health and posture does more for the mind and body than living with misalignment, subluxations, or deteriorating posture. Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) could one day become a recognized approach to preserving neuroplasticity.

What is neuroplasticity?

The headline definition of neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to cognitively function – staying on top of voluntary and involuntary tasks. Reading the words on this page and understanding them are an example of neuroplasticity at work. Inversely, negative neuroplasticity is the brain’s inability to function properly. Memory loss, brain fog, and mental exhaustion are symptoms of neuroplasticity degeneration.

The spine’s role in brain function

The spine – specifically the cervical spine – plays a very direct, very integral role in maintaining brain function. The spine houses essential nerve bundles and lymphatic delivery systems, which are charged with feeding the brain. Nerve bundles housed in the cervical spine carry critical messages to and from the brain, facilitating both unconscious and complex functions. Likewise, blood supplied to the brain provides oxygen, amino acids, electrolytes, hormones, and more, for healthy operation.

When the spine begins to shift from an ideal alignment, stress is transferred to the supply systems it houses. Slipping or bulging discs can impede lymphatic and nervous pathways; stenosis of the spine can restrict flow; and, the longer these systems are negatively affected, the more they deprive the brain.

Short-term consequences can include migraines, mental fog, lethargy, and vision problems, among others. Long-term, severe brain damage becomes a concern, including negative neuroplasticity.

Research on chiropractic vs. neuroplasticity

With the link between the spine and brain evident, researchers have begun to look at how chiropractic may be used as a tool to help preserve positive neuroplasticity. Clinical studies have already begun, monitoring the effects of chiropractic on patients’ abilities to solve puzzles, multitask, and recall memories.

Some studies are already producing exciting findings, including a 3-year study comprised of 100 volunteers, presented at the International Research and Philosophy Symposium held at Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic. The study monitored the mental activity of participants using electroencephalograms (EEG), comparing readings before and after chiropractic adjustments. In an overwhelming majority of readings, brain function showed improvements across the board.

The future of chiropractic treatment

As more studies come to light, researchers will be better able to understand the significance of certain adjustments on the spine and how they relate to brain function. Though much is known about why the spine-brain relationship is important, more data will yield insights into chiropractic’s specific effects on positive neuroplasticity. And as new information becomes available, Ideal Spine will continue to be at the forefront of the field thanks to Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP).

Chiropractic BioPhysics® corrective care trained Chiropractors are located throughout the United States and in several international locations. CBP providers have helped thousands of people throughout the world realign their spine back to health, and eliminate a source of chronic back pain, chronic neck pain, chronic headaches and migraines, fibromyalgia, and a wide range of other health conditions. Blog post from IdealSpine.com 

Scoliosis Remodeling with Corrective Chiropractic Care

Scoliosis Remodeling

Safe for Children: Chiropractic Corrections for Scoliosis

Scoliosis predominantly affects pre-pubescent children during adolescent development of the spine and its proper curvature. As children begin to experience growth spurts, the spine is driven out of alignment via translation of discs. Because the body is growing at such a rapid pace, these translations become cemented, setting the tone for long-term spinal dysfunction.

The good news is that scoliosis is common and well understood. There are numerous treatment options available, including bracing, which serve to correct scoliosis before it can fully set in a developing child. Today, chiropractic is also highly recognized as a non-invasive, corrective approach to scoliosis, thanks to the inroads made by modalities like Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) and the Ideal Spine corrective model.

Is chiropractic safe for children?

Many concerned parents question the efficacy and safety of chiropractic for children. This is a valid concern. The spine is at a developmental stage and chiropractic involves things such as via low-velocity adjustments, traction, and mirror-image adjusting.

The good news for parents is that chiropractic is absolutely safe when performed by a qualified professional. More than a few peer-reviewed studies have been published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, confirming the relative safety and outlining potential benefits of pediatric chiropractic adjustments.

Why chiropractic?

If left unresolved, scoliosis can cause lifelong issues for a person. To compound issues, correcting scoliosis in adults is infinitely harder than in children, simply because the spine has gone beyond its developmental stages and become cemented in its dysfunction.

Options available to developing children with identified scoliosis are varied, but most often involve bracing. In severe cases, corrective surgery may be required. However, chiropractic offers a non-invasive, low-cost, relatively side-effect-free option at the early outset of treatment. It enables parents to explore corrective options for their children without drastic impositions. At an age where more than just the spine is developing, chiropractic is a simple, effective option for treating both congenital and secondary scoliosis.

Chiropractic adjustments for scoliosis

For scoliosis occurring beyond the average (10-15 degree so deviation), bracing is likely going to be a component of chiropractic adjustment. Beyond this, mirror-image adjustments, low-velocity adjustments, traction, and more may all be employed to pull the spine back into alignment, below an acceptable degree of deviation.

Chiropractic – specifically Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) – offers the benefit of tailored care, thanks in part to radiological imaging of each patient’s spine and the mapping of a unique corrective plan. Using imaging, geometric modeling, adjustment techniques, and revaluation throughout the adjustment schedule, a CBP-trained chiropractor, such as Green Chiropractic,  is able to ensure the spine is responding appropriately to treatment throughout the course of adolescent development.

Preventing a Lifetime of Trouble

To avoid chronic ailments caused by nerve compression, disc herniation, general spinal dysfunction, and more, it’s imperative to identify and correct scoliosis at a young age. Chiropractic offers the recourse parents need for the wellness of their children, without the stigmas and invasiveness of other corrective methods.

Ideal Spine understands the questions parents have when it comes to pediatric chiropractic adjustments. We’re here to answer those questions and quell fears, and strive to affect positive change in your child’s spinal condition. Though impossible to cure, it may be possible to correct scoliosis using a tailored CBP adjustment schedule, to help your child live a relatively normal life.

Caring for Your Spine: Contrasting Chiropractors vs. Osteopaths and Physiotherapists

For patients suffering from spinal-induced ailments, a choice in care is something that must be considered. Getting tailored, insightful care is paramount to achieving relief. This means working with a qualified care professional. Unfortunately, choosing the right type of care often leads to some confusion for patients. Should they choose a chiropractor, a physiotherapist, an osteopath, or a different type of professional?

It’s important to understand that all of these medical care professionals differ from each other, even if they seem similar on the surface. For example, chiropractors distinguish themselves from physiotherapists thanks largely in part to their key focus on the spine and central nervous system, instead of muscles and ligaments. Osteopaths further differ in their diagnosis and treatment – for example, no using radiological imaging where chiropractic might.

At Ideal Spine, we know that when it comes to matters of the spine, chiropractors are unparalleled. Our Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) modality is more than just a comprehensive way to tailor treatment to patients, it’s also a proof of process that helps patients understand what sets chiropractic apart from other treatment modalities.

Defining relief through approach

The first step in understanding why chiropractors are the ideal choice for identifying and correcting spinal-induced conditions is understanding how they distinguish themselves from osteopaths and physiotherapists:

  • Chiropractors focus explicitly on the spine and its peripheral reaches, such as the central nervous system. They use radiological imaging to understand the curvature of the spine and employ a wide range of minimally-invasive adjustment and correction techniques to restore it to an ideal curvature.
  • Osteopaths do not have a specific focus, instead imparting total body wellness. They rely on palpitation diagnoses and visual inspection. Though they also employ non-invasive corrective techniques for the spine, osteopaths generally work on mobilization of muscles, tendons and ligaments.
  • Physiotherapists also rely more on mobilization techniques to treat musculoskeletal pain, rather than specific adjustment. They’re also more equipped to treat sport injuries or dynamic movement injuries, as opposed to chronic ailments.

There’s certainly a large range of overlap between all three professionals, however chiropractic is the only treatment modality with a specific focus on the spinal and central nervous system. Moreover, Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) is the only treatment approach that also blends clinical assets (like radiology) to impart a focused diagnosis.

Chiropractic for more focused relief

Choosing chiropractic for relief from spinal-induced chronic ailments isn’t nullifying the capabilities of osteopathy or physiotherapy. In fact, these modalities may have tremendous benefit for people.

Chiropractic’s value is in its ability to focus treatment specifically on the spine to reduce or even eliminate spinal-specific problems. For patients suffering from the effects of stenosis, degenerative disc disease, disc herniation, and a slew of other proliferating spinal conditions, this value is unparalleled.

Ideal Spine has proven the power of Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) time and again when it comes to focused, targeted treatment options and the potential relief that comes with them. And while a person may benefit from osteopathy or physiotherapy, the documented capabilities of chiropractic place it on its own echelon.

Chiropractic BioPhysics® corrective care trained Chiropractors are located throughout the United States and in several international locations. CBP providers have helped thousands of people throughout the world realign their spine back to health, and eliminate a source of chronic back pain, chronic neck pain, chronic headaches and migraines, fibromyalgia, and a wide range of other health conditions. If you are serious about your health and the health of your loved ones, contact a CBP trained provider today to see if you qualify for care. The exam and consultation are often FREE. See www.CBPpatient.com for providers in your area.

Compare and Contrast: Mechanical vs. Manual Cervical Traction

September 7, 2017/in Articles /by MyChiroPractice

Traction is a crucial approach to spinal adjustment, especially in cases of disc or nerve compression. It enables a chiropractor to alleviate the stress that may otherwise lead to myriad disc problems, such as herniation, rupture, or displacement. And, for chiropractors specializing in Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP), traction is also a key element in mirror image adjustment.

Traction is an umbrella term. The concepts of static positioning and inverse force may apply to all forms of traction, but the application itself can vary drastically. Case in point: mechanical vs. manual cervical traction. The methodologies are different, but the results are invariably the same. Their use is dependent on a case-by-case basis and the oversight of the chiropractor making adjustments.

Ideal Spine utilizes both mechanical and manual traction across varied approaches. The key to choosing the right traction application is derived from a keen understanding of each methods strengths, dependent on the patient.

Characterizing traction approach

The characterizing difference between mechanical and manual traction is a simple one. Mechanical traction is aided and directed by the use of simple machines (weights, pulleys), while manual traction is chiropractor-assisted.

During mechanical traction, a patient’s head is cradled into a sling, which is then positioned at the optimal position to affect adjustment. Then, the sling is counterweighted to hold the head and neck in that specific position, leveraging mechanical pressure to affect change.

Manual traction involves the patient lying down in a table, with the chiropractor actively pulling the head away from the neck to decompress the cervical spine. The adjustment may be a continuous pull, or a series of low-velocity pulls in different directions, depending on the nature of the adjustment.

Contrasting methodologies

The end results of mechanical and manual traction may be similar, but both applications afford chiropractors different benefits based on the individual patient they’re working on.

Mechanical traction is a hands-free approach to decompression that affords chiropractors the time and focus they need when working with complex cases. This method of traction is also more applicable for severe cases, where traction may last for 20-30 minutes. Finally, mechanical traction is also helpful when teaching patients posturing.

Manual traction’s benefits are derived from the control a chiropractor has over the application at all times. Because they’re manually pulling, the chiropractor can increase or decrease the countering force, as well as position themselves at will. The hands-on approach also enables chiropractors to feel the status of the cervical spine in real time, to understand the effects of their traction on the patient.

Leveraging the proper form of traction

Traction’s overall ability to decompress the cervical spine makes it a valuable approach to treating a number of cervical conditions. The exact nature of the condition and patient may dictate mechanical vs. manual traction, along with the preference of the chiropractor. It’s also worth noting that these two forms of traction are not merely binary options – they may both be leveraged to affect change during a CBP adjustment schedule.

Ideal Spine is committed to leveraging the best possible approach for spinal correction across every patient. Mechanical and manual traction are just two adjustment modalities. Understanding what makes them different and where they’re best utilized is what gives CBP-trained chiropractors the edge when affecting real, positive change in patients.

Chiropractic BioPhysics® corrective care trained Chiropractors are located throughout the United States and in several international locations. CBP providers have helped thousands of people throughout the world realign their spine back to health, and eliminate a source of chronic back pain, chronic neck pain, chronic headaches and migraines, fibromyalgia, and a wide range of other health conditions. If you are serious about your health and the health of your loved ones, contact a CBP trained provider today to see if you qualify for care. The exam and consultation are often FREE. See www.CBPpatient.com for providers in your area.

Improving Neuroplasticity Through Chiropractic Adjustments

September 1, 2017/in Articles /by MyChiroPractice

Improving Neuroplasticity Through Chiropractic Adjustments

Neuroplasticity is a common talking point when discussing degenerative brain conditions, such as Alzheimer’s or dementia. But this topic is a two-sided coin. While progressive degeneration of neuroplasticity has been linked to dire illnesses, expansion of neuroplasticity is also possible. The concepts here include continuing to mentally challenge yourself with puzzles, complex thought, and memory recall exercises.

Recently, chiropractic has also become a subject of discussion among researchers studying neuroplasticity. Juxtaposition of spine health and mental fortitude have opened the door for investigation into just how important spinal alignment is in maintaining mental faculties.

While there is yet to be concrete evidence in the role spinal alignment plays in increased neuroplasticity, it can be correctly assumed that maintaining ideal spine health and posture does more for the mind and body than living with misalignment, subluxations, or deteriorating posture. Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP) could one day become a recognized approach to preserving neuroplasticity.

What is neuroplasticity?

The headline definition of neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to cognitively function – staying on top of voluntary and involuntary tasks. Reading the words on this page and understanding them are an example of neuroplasticity at work. Inversely, negative neuroplasticity is the brain’s inability to function properly. Memory loss, brain fog, and mental exhaustion are symptoms of neuroplasticity degeneration.

The spine’s role in brain function

The spine – specifically the cervical spine – plays a very direct, very integral role in maintaining brain function. The spine houses essential nerve bundles and lymphatic delivery systems, which are charged with feeding the brain. Nerve bundles housed in the cervical spine carry critical messages to and from the brain, facilitating both unconscious and complex functions. Likewise, blood supplied to the brain provides oxygen, amino acids, electrolytes, hormones, and more, for healthy operation.

When the spine begins to shift from an ideal alignment, stress is transferred to the supply systems it houses. Slipping or bulging discs can impede lymphatic and nervous pathways; stenosis of the spine can restrict flow; and, the longer these systems are negatively affected, the more they deprive the brain.

Short-term consequences can include migraines, mental fog, lethargy, and vision problems, among others. Long-term, severe brain damage becomes a concern, including negative neuroplasticity.

Research on chiropractic vs. neuroplasticity

With the link between the spine and brain evident, researchers have begun to look at how chiropractic may be used as a tool to help preserve positive neuroplasticity. Clinical studies have already begun, monitoring the effects of chiropractic on patients’ abilities to solve puzzles, multitask, and recall memories.

Some studies are already producing exciting findings, including a 3-year study comprised of 100 volunteers, presented at the International Research and Philosophy Symposium held at Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic. The study monitored the mental activity of participants using electroencephalograms (EEG), comparing readings before and after chiropractic adjustments. In an overwhelming majority of readings, brain function showed improvements across the board.

The future of chiropractic treatment

As more studies come to light, researchers will be better able to understand the significance of certain adjustments on the spine and how they relate to brain function. Though much is known about why the spine-brain relationship is important, more data will yield insights into chiropractic’s specific effects on positive neuroplasticity. And as new information becomes available, Ideal Spine will continue to be at the forefront of the field thanks to Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP).

Chiropractic BioPhysics® corrective care trained Chiropractors are located throughout the United States and in several international locations. CBP providers have helped thousands of people throughout the world realign their spine back to health, and eliminate a source of chronic back pain, chronic neck pain, chronic headaches and migraines, fibromyalgia, and a wide range of other health conditions. Blog post from IdealSpine.com