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How Chiropractic can help YOUR pregnancy

A large percentage of pregnant women experience back pain/discomfort during their pregnancy. This is due to the rapid growth of the baby and interference your body’s normal structural accommodation to that growth. Compound this with pre-existing injuries or unnoticed imbalances in your spine and pelvis, your system simply becomes over-taxes, creating pain.

Chiropractic care throughout your pregnancy can relieve and even prevent many pains and issues that arise.  Specific, gentle adjustments eliminates the stresses on the spine, restores balance to your pelvis resulting in greater comfort.

As your baby enlarges so does your uterus. So as long as the pelvis is balanced, the ligaments that attach to the uterus are in a symmetrical state.  If your pelvis is out of alignment,  these ligaments become torqued and twisted causing a condition called In Utero Constraint. This constraint limits the amount of room baby has to live and grow.  Conditions such as Torticollis occur due to babies who do not have enough room to grow. Chiropractic offers safe and gentle adjustments to your body to restore balance to your pelvis and spine. You and your baby’s safety and continued care is our top priority.

How Chiropractic can help YOUR pregnancy

A large percentage of pregnant women experience back pain/discomfort during their pregnancy. This is due to the rapid growth of the baby and interference your body’s normal structural accommodation to that growth. Compound this with pre-existing injuries or unnoticed imbalances in your spine and pelvis, your system simply becomes over-taxes, creating pain.

Chiropractic care throughout your pregnancy can relieve and even prevent many pains and issues that arise.  Specific, gentle adjustments eliminates the stresses on the spine, restores balance to your pelvis resulting in greater comfort.

As your baby enlarges so does your uterus. So as long as the pelvis is balanced, the ligaments that attach to the uterus are in a symmetrical state.  If your pelvis is out of alignment,  these ligaments become torqued and twisted causing a condition called In Utero Constraint. This constraint limits the amount of room baby has to live and grow.  Conditions such as Torticollis occur due to babies who do not have enough room to grow. Chiropractic offers safe and gentle adjustments to your body to restore balance to your pelvis and spine. You and your baby’s safety and continued care is our top priority.