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Retained Neonatal Reflexes

What are Retained Neonatal Reflexes?


Retained Reflexes


Primitive reflexes remain hard wired into our nervous system and function neurologically all our life. At various stages of development, particular reflexes are tested as an indication of normal neurological function. Thus, in this sense, they are always ‘retained’.

A revolutionary approach to treat children with learning and behavioral difficulties. It unlocks the child’s hidden potential by improving brain function and sensory motor integration.

It is the neonatal display of these brainstem reflexes continuing after normal time of integration that causes the problems in behavior, perception, learning, hormonal function etc.

For example, it may be normal as a person rotates their head to the right for the muscles that pull the right arm backward and those that pull the left arm forward to contract to allow their body to twist toward what they see. This is related to the Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex. However, if this reflex has not been appropriately integrated within the nervous system as the brain develops, the child or adult may experience distractibility, clenched pen/pencil grip, handwriting problems, poor comprehension, momentary disappearance of parts of the visual field, poor hand-eye co-ordination etc.

Other examples of retained reflexes: Children who dislike and cannot stand tags on their clothing or might have “sock or shoe” issues. Maybe they are shy, withdrawn, have no concept of personal space, a toe-walker, have a “cute” way of scooting across the floor or walking. Do they have a head-tilt, pigeon toed, foot flared, or have the wiggles.

We ALL know these children!

The quicker we get get them assessed and address the issue, the healthier their nervous system can become!

Call Green Chiropractic today to have your child evaluated for retained reflexes which could be affecting his/her behavior, learning ability, and social interactions.   402-933-5392

Visit www.greenchiropractic.com for more information

Retained Neonatal Reflexes

What are Retained Neonatal Reflexes?


Retained Reflexes


Primitive reflexes remain hard wired into our nervous system and function neurologically all our life. At various stages of development, particular reflexes are tested as an indication of normal neurological function. Thus, in this sense, they are always ‘retained’.

A revolutionary approach to treat children with learning and behavioral difficulties. It unlocks the child’s hidden potential by improving brain function and sensory motor integration.

It is the neonatal display of these brainstem reflexes continuing after normal time of integration that causes the problems in behavior, perception, learning, hormonal function etc.

For example, it may be normal as a person rotates their head to the right for the muscles that pull the right arm backward and those that pull the left arm forward to contract to allow their body to twist toward what they see. This is related to the Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex. However, if this reflex has not been appropriately integrated within the nervous system as the brain develops, the child or adult may experience distractibility, clenched pen/pencil grip, handwriting problems, poor comprehension, momentary disappearance of parts of the visual field, poor hand-eye co-ordination etc.

Other examples of retained reflexes: Children who dislike and cannot stand tags on their clothing or might have “sock or shoe” issues. Maybe they are shy, withdrawn, have no concept of personal space, a toe-walker, have a “cute” way of scooting across the floor or walking. Do they have a head-tilt, pigeon toed, foot flared, or have the wiggles.

We ALL know these children!

The quicker we get get them assessed and address the issue, the healthier their nervous system can become!

Call Green Chiropractic today to have your child evaluated for retained reflexes which could be affecting his/her behavior, learning ability, and social interactions.   402-933-5392

Visit www.greenchiropractic.com for more information